0800 667 558
Monday - Friday
Senior Move Managers is committed to carrying out business fairly, honestly, and ethically across all business activities. In support of this aim we will consider, measure and report against Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors.
In addition we will produce an annual ESG Report to include appropriate disclosure of ESG performance data, report on benchmarking and research and show progress against our commitments. We take a collaborative approach with our partners and peer group in the Australiasian freight and relocation industry.
Senior Move Managers will work towards 'Toitu' carbon reduction certification in line with ISO 14064 - 1. We will measure our organisations carbon footprint and put a management plan in place to reduce our carbon footprint.
Waste Management and Recycling Waste
All waste material as a result of the move, including any packing material, will be disposed of safely. Any material that can be recycled or reused, will be done so in the appropriate manner.
We recycle our packing materials multiple times to reduce the impact of sending used boxes and paper to be disposed of. This can be up to five times per item.
We encourage our clients to minimise the request and the usage of non-recyclable materials for packing such as bubble wraps. If the client decides to use them, we ensure the non-recyclable items are disposed of safely in line with the regional council's guidelines.
Energy Conservation
The lightning in our premises has low emission electronic ballasts.
All non-essential lighting are on sensor switches, which automatically turn off when not in use.
Heating is provided by energy-efficient heat pumps, set on timers.
Hot water cylinders are new and all pipework is lagged.
Emission Control
When purchasing new transit vans and trucks, we consider fuel efficiency to be an important factor when considering the type of vehicle and supplier used. Noise pollution is also an important factor in our vehicle purchasing criteria.
Our fleet of vehicles are serviced regularly by an authorised dealer, to the manufacturers specifications to improve efficiency and improve emissions.
We endeavor to use the minimum number of trucks and trips for each task, and also reduce the volume of travel possible between locations through strategically placed office locations.
We are committed to replacing our fleet with electric vehicles as soon as they are widely available and economical.
All vacuums used by our cleaning staff have filters cleaned and serviced at regular intervals, to ensure efficient use and reduced dust emissions.
Chemical Waste Management
All our cleaning products for house cleaning are 100% natural and non-toxic.
No chemical containers or vehicles are cleaned within reach of the storm water drains.
Our Suppliers Environmental Policies
We regularly review and monitor our key suppliers' environmental and social policies to ensure they are in line with our internal policies and company values.
Ongoing training and improvement
SMM Group is committed to ensuring all of our staff are fully trained on environmental awareness and receive regular updates to any new initiatives that are brought in to lessen our environmental impact further.
All staff are encouraged to bring forward any ideas they have to lessen the environmental impact.
The leadership of the organisation is also committed to complying with all applicable statutory duties and regulatory requirements.
We are an equal opportunity employer that pays all their staff above or on the living wage of $23.65 per hour.
SMM Group currently has an employee ratio of 40% female and 60% male.
Community Support
We regularly contribute to Gumboot Friday New Zealand, a charity which sits under the I Am Hope Foundation, that supports mental health in New Zealand.
Our current NPS from our customers is +80
We have a board comprised of 50% independent appointments, including our Board Chair and follows current NZ best practice.